


For now, follow Schedule A. When October's cooler weather arrives, then switch over to Schedule B.
Water the lst interval at 1:00 A.M. and the 2nd interval at 5:00 A.M. This will help keep runoff to a minimum, giving the soil more time to drink the water. During the early fall this is especially important because more saturation means less watering. Remember to divide your watering time in half and then space the two intervals at least four hours apart. This allows the soil to absorb the application.
If the climate in your area exceeds day temperatures of 92 degrees, then you will want to follow the August Irrigation Schedule.
If the climate in your area is having early fall rain, then you will want to swithch over to the May Irrigation Schedule.

For more information, please go to

To help you identify your irrigation parts, please go to

October Schedule A

  • Run Pop-ups for 12/16 min. (2, 6/8 min. intervals) 3 times weekly, Mon., Wed., and Fri.
  • Run Impacts and Single Stream Rotors for 24/30 min. (2, 12/15 min. intervals) 3 times weekly, Mon., Wed., and Fri.
  • Run Multi Stream Rotors* for 30/36 min. (2, 15/18 min. intervals) 3 times weekly, Mon., Wed., and Fri.
  • Run Risers and Pop-ups for 16/20 min. (2, 8/10 min. intervals) 2 times weekly, Tues., and Sat.
  • Run Impacts and Single/Multi* Stream Rotors for 24/30 min. (2, 12/15 min. intervals) 2 times weekly Tues., and Sat.
  • Run Drip emitters for 40/60 min.(2, 20/30 min. intervals) 2 times weekly Tues., and Sat.

October Schedule B

  • Run pop-ups for 12/16 min. (2, 6/8 min. intervals) twice weekly, Mon., and Thurs.
  • Run lawn impact pop-ups and single stream rotors for 24/30 min. (2, 12/15 min. intervals) twice weekly, Mon., and Thurs.
  • Run multi-stream* rotors for 30/36 min. (2, 15/18 min. intervals) twice weekly, Mon., and Thurs.
  • Run shrub risers and pop-ups for 16/20 min. (2, 8/10 min. intervals) once weekly, Wed.
  • Run impacts and Single/Multi* stream rotors for 24/30 min. (2,12/15 min. intervals) once weekly, Wed.
  • Run drip emitters for 40/60 min. (2, 20/30 min. intervals) once weekly, Fri.
First number
represents small yards/cooler day
Second number
represents large yards/warmer day

*Some multiple spray rotaries may need up to 20/25 min.

When temps exceed 95 degrees, water the yard for 1 cycle that evening to replace the water lost during transpiration.

Remember to ask yourself,

"Can I water less ?"


Happy Halloween! Irrigation Schedules

Know Your Irrigation Parts

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